We are always looking for volunteers that are excited about serving those in need. Please contact us at any time to schedule a visit to our facilities.
So please stop in and visit us today!


Contact Form


Community Service
If you would like to get involved and become a vital part of the mission please consider us for your next school or church community service project. We have a great group of people that are excited about the opportunity to work with your school or church make a real difference in the community . Please also consider doing an “Operation I CAN” food drive with Soupy our rescue mission Food Drive Mascot. Help us reach more people and touch more lives with not only food, shelter and clothing, but the Gospel message.
School Groups Involved Active Churches
Howland High School Harvest Christian Assembly of God
Lakeview High School Pleasant Valley
Southington High School Mecca Community
Harding High School Glenn Christian Foundation
Bristol High School Central Christian
Warren JFK High School Victory Christian Center
Champion Highschool  Leavittsburg Church of God
Believers Church
Warren First Nazarene
House of Prayer and Praise
First Christian Assembly

Maple View Mennonite Church