Hello, my name is Leah and I am 36 years old. I was born and raised here in Warren Ohio, so this city has my heart. I am excited to share with you what the Lord has done for me through the Warren Family Mission…
In 2014, I walked through the doors of Hannah’s House beaten, broken, and LOST. I needed help because I was struggling with addiction for 13 years at this point. I just could not break free from the chains my addiction held me in. During my year here, God broke those chains and changed my heart and soul, through His Word. Over the course of this year, I built a strong and firm relationship with God. I met strong Christians who didn’t just tell me what it was like to be a Christian, they SHOWED me! I walked out of Hannah’s House a transformed person with a tender heart and passion for the Lord.
I am now coming up on 7 years of sobriety!! Wow! God is so so good. I now have the life that I so desperately desired. I found my soul mate… I know, God made him just for me! He is my other half and we have two beautiful boys together. I now teach God’s Word at Hannah’s House. None of this would have EVER been possible without God. I was on deaths front door, BUT GOD. God intervened and saved my life… He saved my soul. I am forever grateful to Him and to the Warren Family Mission.

Hannah’s House Graduate