
My name is Renee and I’m in recovery for chemical dependency, alcoholism, and anorexia nervosa. As far back as I can remember I have struggled with social anxiety, depression, and addictive personality. When I hit rock bottom my life was unmanageable and I was making poor decisions. I was homeless, eating out of dumpsters and prostituting myself for drugs. I was using methamphetamines every day, sometimes even intravenously and I weighed about 90 pounds soaking wet. I had gotten to a point of hopelessness, shame and state of denial believing I could never live life without being high.

When I got incarcerated in January of 2019 the reality of how destructive my addiction had brought me to my knees, and I reached out for help. Hannah’s house is such a special place to me. It has taught me how to stay sober and that was something I have battled with ever since I picked up a drug. During my time in the program, I learned how to heal, trust, and give up trying to control situations that were out of my hands. The classes prepared me for real life skills and how to be successful in recovery.

After graduating Hannah’s House, I was able to transition into a rent-free apartment, I was presented with a car and given the opportunity to work as a staff member. This position has helped me grow and in so many ways help me remain sober. Being at Hannah’s House after completing the program has held me accountable and allowed me to be able to save for the future. My plan is to go to school eventually for either business or radiology. I enjoy painting, reading, and spending time with my family. I am so grateful for pastor Chris creating this place for women to make a life for themselves, the place is home to me, and my life has been changed through God and the wonderful people I have met through this place. 

John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Hannah’s House Graduate