
I’ve always felt lost and outcast by my friends and family, which lead me to make poor life decisions. My lack of self-confidence as well as my perception of how others felt about me led me down a road of destruction. I came to the Mission after facing a possible five year prison sentence, two failed attempts at rehab, a toxic relationship and the death of two close friends. I had burnt every bridge.

The Mission has given me a chance to clear my mind and be able to realize who I am as a person. I’m not lost; I’m found in Christ. I’m not an outcast; I’m a valued soldier of God. My family can see a huge difference in me. I’ve been staying at the Mission for almost seven months and in that time I’ve attended classes, repaired relationships, gotten a job and my license reinstated. The Mission has helped me rebuild my life.
Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Men’s Center Resident